Literature Review
Strategies for Creating a Conspicuous, Effective, and Memorable Poster Presentation
Authors: ZarnetskeProvides a road map of strategic steps that will help you create and deliver a poster presentation that is conspicuous, effective, and memorable. These key steps are: (1) know and embrace the value of a poster presentation; (2) carefully choose your session and title; (3) create a storyline and format for your poster that facilitates giving and receiving information; (4) obey the fundamental published guidelines for formatting the content, text, and visualizations of a poster; (5) practice, practice, practice the presentation and get feedback before the conference; (6) self-promote and be outgoing before, during, and after your presentation; and (7) appreciate, interact with, and maintain your audience. Execute these steps and you will be an effective communicator and your science will be memorable. [Edit this posting]
Poster presentation strategies (Zarnetske 2015)
A Guide to Understanding Social Science Research for Natural Scientists
Authors: Moon, Blackman[ Moon, K. and D. Blackman. 2014. A guide to understanding social science research for natural scientists. Conservation Biology. ] Moon and Blackman provide a guide for natural scientists to understand many of the philosophical underpinnings of social science research. They argue that, as many natural scientists are realizing that conservation problems are tightly interlinked with social problems, productive dialogue between natural and social science requires researchers to be able to understand and accurately interpret each other’s work. [Edit this posting]
Guide to Understanding Social Science Research (Moon & Blackman 2014)
A Guide to Understanding Social Science Research for Natural Scientists
Authors: Moon, Blackman[ Moon, K. and D. Blackman. 2014. A guide to understanding social science research for natural scientists. Conservation Biology. ] Moon and Blackman provide a guide for natural scientists to understand many of the philosophical underpinnings of social science research. They argue that, as many natural scientists are realizing that conservation problems are tightly interlinked with social problems, productive dialogue between natural and social science requires researchers to be able to understand and accurately interpret each other’s work. [Edit this posting]
Guide to Understanding Social Science Research (Moon & Blackman 2014)
Bridging Disciplinary Divides: Developing an Interdisciplinary STEM Workforce
Authors: Carney, NeishiFindings from a Follow-up Study of PhD Graduates of the National Science Foundation’s Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program [October 2010] [Edit this posting]
Developing an Interdisciplinary STEM Workforce
Bridging Disciplinary Divides: Developing an Interdisciplinary STEM Workforce
Authors: Carney, NeishiFindings from a Follow-up Study of PhD Graduates of the National Science Foundation’s Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program [October 2010] [Edit this posting]
Developing an Interdisciplinary STEM Workforce
Improving the culture of interdisciplinary research
Authors: Goring et al. (Uploaded by: Danelle Larson)Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential to understand ecological systems at scales critical to human decision making. Current reward structures are problematic for scientists engaged in interdisciplinary research, particularly early career researchers, because academic culture tends to value only some research outputs, such as primary-authored publications. These authors present a framework for the costs and benefits of collaboration, with a focus on early career stages, and show how the implementation of novel measures of success can help defray the costs of collaboration. [Edit this posting]
Defining concepts and the process of knowledge production in integrative research
Authors: Tress, FryRecent surveys of integrative landscape research projects and their funding bodies have revealed a lack of common understanding of integrative research concepts such as interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. This lack of common understanding has had negative consequences for the success of integrative landscape research projects. This chapter presents a set of definitions for integrative and related research concepts. [Edit this posting]
Defining concepts and the process of knowledge production in integrative research (Tress, Tress, and Fry)
Defining concepts and the process of knowledge production in integrative research
Authors: Tress, FryRecent surveys of integrative landscape research projects and their funding bodies have revealed a lack of common understanding of integrative research concepts such as interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. This lack of common understanding has had negative consequences for the success of integrative landscape research projects. This chapter presents a set of definitions for integrative and related research concepts. [Edit this posting]
Defining concepts and the process of knowledge production in integrative research (Tress, Tress, and Fry)